“Ni Sawa” by Vijana Barubaru featuring Steph Kapela is a dynamic song that showcases the artistic collaboration between these Kenyan artists. Vijana Barubaru, known for their influence in poetry and native East-African sounds, blends their style with Steph Kapela, who is noted for his versatility and engaging vocal delivery.
RELATED: Vijana Barubaru (V-BE) – Nowe (Prod. Ihaji Made It)
The song “Ni Sawa” likely embodies themes of acceptance and resilience, echoing the duo’s previous works which often explore deep and relatable life experiences. This track is part of their broader musical repertoire that includes a mix of Afro-soul, hip-hop, and Afropop influences, reflecting their diverse musical background and their ability to resonate with a wide audience.
Listen to, “Vijana Barubaru (V-BE) Ft Steph Kapela – Ni Sawa” below;