Abdul Hamisi Mtambo, popularly known as D Voice, is a renowned artist in the Singeli music genre hailing from Temeke, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Recognized for his melodious voice, he is a prominent member of the WCB Wasafi label. His latest work includes the release of a new video for the song “BamBam,” which is featured as the third track on his debut album, “SWAHILI KID.”
RELATED: AUDIO | D Voice Ft. Diamond Platnumz – Kama Wengine | Mp3 Download
The release of this video not only promotes the song “BamBam” but also serves as a showcase of the rich musical heritage and contemporary creativity of Tanzania. For fans of D Voice, Zuchu, and East African music, this video is a celebration of talent and cultural expression, likely leaving a lasting impression and drawing more attention to D Voice’s debut album, “SWAHILI KID.”